Zackary Drucker
Artist Statement
All the art I create grows out of writing and photography. I make work about what it means to live inside of a body, to be human. I want to configure my own past and the collective hirstories of others.
I promised myself a long time ago I would never be bored. This commitment has turned me into an artist, a cultural producer, and a more fully actualized person. I’m inspired by humanity and the people around me. In such a distracted world, I’m always looking for a creative exchange and collaboration. Being an artist has been a survival tool for being a member of an ostracized community.
While At Headlands
I’m very excited to be at Headlands in gorgeous Marin County. While here, I will be writing a script for an ongoing series of narrative short films with my mother, to be shot in Los Angeles upon returning from the residency. I’ll also be working on a script titled “Fuck All You Bitches, I’m Sick of Your Stupid Bullshit”—a deadpan but satirical interpretation of a diversity talk show, featuring trans archetypes who disagree about everything, as a commentary on the trans civil rights movement and our larger cultural landscape. I also plan on completing a chapbook of collages.