Xandra Ibarra, "Tapatio Cock," 2004; Leather, rhinestones, glass bottles, hot sauce, spit, custom label, wood, steel hardware; 9.5" x 16" x .12"
Xandra Ibarra
Artist Statement
I use performance, video, and sculpture to address abjection and joy and the borders between proper and improper racial, gender, and queer subjects. I draw inspiration from sexual subcultures to reimagine the aesthetic and affective dimensions of racial difference. I create sculpture out of casts and use a range of found and personal materials, from gypsum casts and nipple tassels made of horsehair to fur coats and hand-tooled leather. Through improvisatory material play, I bring parts together to open up sites of pleasure even as I consider the conditions that constrain racialized subjects’ everyday lives.
While at Headlands
While at Headlands, I will build on my previous performance research and develop a constellation of sculptures that use performance ephemera as material along with a range of found materials and casts made of gypsum.