Wioleta Kaminska
Artist Statement
Naturally drawn to uncovering the nuances and mechanism of the world we live in, I am particularly interested in exploring our daily landscapes and some of the key concerns of our times: the conflicting forces that shape land and humans. How we find ourselves caught between nature and technology, contemplation and complicity. Each of my projects begins with a long period of research. Simultaneously, in the studio environment I use my observations and collection of raw material (film and photography) to build visual worlds where awe and time reside together. My goal is to recreate spaces that intrigue and encourage the viewer to slow down and indulge in a brief moment of contemplation and reflection. A moment that we all need to live healthy and balanced lives. My body of work ranges from photography, sketches, hand renderings, 2D and 3D graphics, to film, video, sound and animation.
While at Headlands
I will be working on my new video landscape, “Labyrinth”. Similarly to my previous short film series, And the Whole World Stops, “Labyrinth” will be a visual exploration of our daily environment and a mixture of both the landscape as we know it and the landscape we might be able to experience on the condition that we take our time to slow down and tune in our surroundings. I will start from exploring the unique site that Headlands Center for the Arts is located on, observing its daily life and collecting footage and sound characteristic for this distinctive area. Back in the studio environment, I will edit the footage and combine it with new graphics inspired by my onsite observations. The very last phase of the project will involve combining the image with the edited sound.
Selected Video
And the Whole World Stops – Fog from Wioleta Kaminska on Vimeo.
And the Whole World Stops – When the Night Comes from Wioleta Kaminska on Vimeo.
And the Whole World Stops – Into the Evening from Wioleta Kaminska on Vimeo.