Nandipha Mntambo
Artist Statement
My sculptural works are largely made from cowhide; this material is one that has historical associations and is linked to my cultural background in various ways but through my use of it, exists and is considered within a context that is also removed from these aspects. Subjective views of the significance of this material, drawn from the past but with reference to the present, impact on both understanding and engagement with the work I create.
My work is greatly informed by chemical process and how I engage with the amount of influence I have over the final product. I explore the physical and tactile properties of hide and aspects of control that allow or prevent me from manipulating this material in the context of the female body and contemporary art. I explore expected associations with corporeal presence, femininity, sexuality and vulnerability.
While At Headlands
I have been excited to expand my artistic language and have been developing my skills in printmaking and painting, working with the contours and curvatures of the human body and how some of these shapes echo elements of nature. The landscape in which Headlands’ residency takes place is a wonderful reminder of nature surrounded by the reality of contemporary living. This juxtaposition is prevalent in South Africa and is an element of what inspires my working process. It would be interesting to place my practice in a different environment that is somewhat reminiscent of what I associate with home. This residency may allow me to explore new and different aspects of my artistic creation.
Selected Video
Nandipha Mntambo – Marie Sara from Stevenson on Vimeo.
Nandipha Mntambo_Ukungenisa from Stevenson on Vimeo.