Marie Silkeberg
Artist Statement
I’m a Swedish poet, translator, and poetry film maker. I’ve worked with sound and images, in collaboration and across languages. As a writer I’ve throughout my years tried to answer the questions, what is a political poem? a love poem? what is the queer experience? how do you mourn in words? how can grief be shared? I search silence and to break silences. Once I said I’m writing to make silence sound better; to process the disturbance words and noise inflict upon silence. Later I both became obsessed with voice and voices, and with noise, to write the noise, in the speed of noise, listening to the sounds of the world, to record and merge with them. Now I’ve come full circle – back to silence and to what can be heard in the stillness – the whispers, the ghosts, nature’s multifaceted sounds, and an investigation of what language will grow from the unheard.
While at Headlands
While at Headlands I will work on a new series of poems related to the French philosopher, political thinker, and mystic Simone Weil. This work is also part of an ongoing desire to write dialogues between women. It will take many directions and include writers such as Virgina Woolf, H.D. and Theresa Hak Kyung Cha. It’s a desire to make Weil’s writings, on war and justice, to act on the present. I’m at the beginning of this work, the time at Headlands will be a time of experimenting and exploring how far these questions and the material will take me. Headlands as place with its military history and sites, will be an inspiration. I will also, while at Headlands, work on, and hopefully finish, the translation of George Oppen’s Of Being Numerous into Swedish and I hope to visit Oppen’s archive at UC San Diego Library.