Liam Herb

California, USA
Artist in Residence, 2025

Artist Statement

My artistic practice exists in a blurry zone somewhere between sound making, sculpture, and social experimentation. Most recently this has consisted of giving musical performances with instruments and loudspeakers from built from unexpected or “poor quality” materials, adorning and installing these instruments, and composing works for the specific occasions. I am also one half of the duo L&M with painter and print maker Milo Moyer-Battick and view collaboration as a critical part of my artistic practice.


While at Headlands

During my stay at Headlands, I will transform a gallery into a performance space that also serves as its own loudspeaker.

Much in the tradition of David Ireland’s Capp Street homes, Alvin Lucier’s “I’m Sitting in a Room”, or Engine O’Neill’s “Long Day’s Journey into Night”, the architecture, sonic landscape, and history of the gallery will be as on display as the sounds created in performance.

The room as an instrument will have both active and passive capabilities. The natural sounds of the room will be exaggerated through droning pitches at resonant frequencies of the space, various microphones placed around and outside the space, and feedback loops with buzzers/transducers placed along the walls. The walls will also serve as a functional loudspeakers through which instruments will be played.

I will also invite other artists to engage with the installation as a part of my stay in both solo and collaborative performances held within this living sonified space.