An Everyday Tragedy, 2016; wooden letters, billboard, 36 x 30 feet. Exhibited: The Last Billboard, May 2016. Photo courtesy of The Last Billboard.

Lenka Clayton

Private: Artist in Residence, 2017

A person sitting at a desk.

Artist Statement

I am an interdisciplinary artist whose work considers, exaggerates, and alters the accepted rules of everyday life, extending the familiar into the realms of the poetic and absurd. In previous works I have hand-numbered 7,000 stones, searched for all 613 people mentioned in a single edition of a German newspaper filmed one person of each age from 1 to 100, reconstituted a lost museum from a sketch on the back of an envelope, and am in the middle of writing a unique hand-written letter to every household in the world with writer Michael Crowe. In 2012, I founded An Artist Residency in Motherhood—a self-directed, open-source artist residency program designed to empower and inspire artists who are also mothers. There are currently over 300 official artists-in-residence-in-motherhood in 32 countries, on six continents. Current exhibitions include Object Temporarily Removed, a solo show at The Fabric Workshop and Museum in Philadelphia, and . . . circle through New York, a collaborative project with artist Jon Rubin that takes place at the Guggenheim Museum and six other locations in a circle through the city including a pet store, a Punjabi TV station and The Institute for the Study of the Ancient World.

While at Headlands

While at Headlands I plan to continue my experimentation with an old portable typewriter as both artistic medium and creative limitation. So far I’ve have misused this same typewriter as a drawing tool, a weaving loom, a sewing machine, and a fabric printer. During my residency I will explore the typewriter’s capacity to create an animated road-movie using the natural movement of the platten knob and carriage return mechanism.

Selected Video

People In Order, 2006; made with James Price.

The distance I can be from my son, 2013.

View Lenka Clayton & Phillip Andrew Lewis, “Tender Together” & “Tender Apart”

Lenka Clayton & Phillip Andrew Lewis, “Tender Together” & “Tender Apart”
