A piece of heavy machinery using a large roller to imprint a pattern into sand.

Gunilla Klingberg

Private: Artist in Residence, 2019

A portrait of a person against a shadowed background.

Artist Statement

Through sculpture and spatial installation my works examine the relationship between subtle structures and possible materialization of time and space, focusing on the common, generic, and universal that link people and sites together in terms of cosmic forces, as well as the traces from our individual daily routines in the private sphere and the urban landscape.

I am interested in the borderland between the intuitive and the rational, between pseudoscience and science, between public and private.

While At Headlands

In recent years I have been working with several large-scale public art commissions, and in this accelerated working flow my focus has been towards fabrication, realization and completion. At Headlands I would like to step out of production mode and focus on reading, experimenting, zooming in to a smaller scale, and impermanent materials.