Artist Statement
GRL GRP operates as a non-hierarchical design collective. We approach our work with care: for one another, for our community of collaborators, and for the outputs we create. By building a supportive foundation, we aim to foster an encouraging environment wherein we can experiment and push limits. As womxn designers, we create a space for us to not only produce but also to lead. GRL GRP’s work strives to challenge capitalistic and patriarchal ideals of productivity and efficiency to center feminist-inspired methodologies like craft-based techniques and using existing materials.
While at Headlands
While at Headlands, GRL GRP is excited to further explore our collective process in service of an arts organization we admire. Our emphasis on collaboration is something that we see reflected in the larger creative community of artists, writers, designers, and caretakers who have worked or are currently working at Headlands. We hope to tap into these rich networks and use design to amplify the dialogues between people, the environment, and the work being done on site. Using our signature generative and additive processes, GRL GRP looks forward to exploring feminism and its relationship to the wild nature of the Headlands.