2025, credit Elise DuRant
Byron Westbrook
Artist Statement
I am fascinated by how sound can occupy space, and by its potential to be shaped as sculptural material that influences our sense of presence, place, and time. I create sonic interventions that follow this idea, using audio in an architectural way to open up areas between naturally occurring vs. fabricated, present vs. documented, and inviting listeners to question, imagine, and generate their own unique experiences.
While at Headlands
I plan to to use my time at Headlands to produce a new series of recordings of my synthesized audio, as heard playing within the context of different physical environments, structures and landscapes. These will primarily be binaural recordings, which will document my listening as I navigate spaces activated by my audio interventions, using the field recording process to ‘perform’ between sounds that are environmental vs of sounds my own making, while creating compositional dynamics via my improvised body movement. I will also develop audio that resonates with particular spaces, buildings and places, to generate a range of sonic interactions that are both chance-based and intentionally composed. I also look forward to photographing the landscape around Headlands and experimenting further with relationships between looking and listening.