Abdelrahman ElGendy
Artist Statement
In my work, I explore the ways in which one inhabits spaces and systems designed to erase their body, selfhood, and archive—and what it means, under such circumstances, to insist on being. In enacting this insistence, I am concerned with the abolition of hierarchical allyship rooted in colonial notions of empathy, in favor of an accompliceship grounded in an interconnected struggle for liberation.
While at Headlands
While at Headlands, I’ll be working on an essay collection that interrogates a world where an Arab’s crushed body is not a failure of the system, but one of its integral functions. The collection examines and troubles concepts of Arab nationalism as it considers what it means to delink one’s selfhood, scholarship, archives, organizing, and understanding of community from a global order rooted in their subjugation. I will be doing a close reading of various primary texts while simultaneously working on the first draft of the collection.