Awoiska van der Molen

Private: Larry Sultan Photography Award, 2017

Artist Statement

The longing to return to an essential state is a reoccurring motif in my work. The monochrome photographs I make as I move through untouched nature are a result of my continual search for the immaculate territory. To reach this territory, I let this natural world—and my time spent there in solitude—bring me to a “zero state of being”. I could say that I do not photograph the landscape, I photograph the being in it.

While at Headlands

While at Headlands I will explore the impressive natural surrounding of the area and see how I can translate this experience in new photography work. I’ll also bring other recently made work to the Headlands to continue my work on. I look forward to spending two months in the bubble of this inspiring residency, meditating on new works and discovering what they will mean to the other elements of my artistic practice.

Selected Video

Column, 2015; idea, direction, camera: Joep de Boer. The Netherlands.