Jakub Nepraš
Artist Statement
I draw upon scientific and philosophical knowledge, as well as personal experience, emotions, and intuition. I’m trying to study the contemporary developmental tendencies and behavior of our super-organism in relation to the position of the individual within the whole entity, and to monitor those natural principles that control or influence all of this. I’m reflecting the fundamental changes of society and technology and also its dangers and estrangement from human beings and nature. I’m trying in my work to re-appropriate a more original and purer way of life and to give natural, organic forms to contemporary society and technology.
While at Headlands
During my residency I’m planning to focus on studying the unique and impressive natural setting in California. I will shoot slow motion samples for my new project—macro details of nature such as insects, plants in motion, etc. Further, I’m going to scan found natural artifacts into 3D. For this purpose I will use pictures transferred into the “capturing reality” program. Later, I’ll combine samples together with other 3D models and fragments of civilization. In the last step, they will be printed out using 3D printer and integrated into assemblages of real materials.
In addition, my working tools are New Media and San Francisco is a hotbed for new technology. I aim at studying new technologies in San Francisco and to use them for my art practice.
Selected Video
Moth, 2013
Milestone II, 2013
Fossil, 2007.