Vincent Chu
Artist Statement
I’m a fiction writer whose work looks at relationships, connection and alienation, emotional unrest, and the gentle absurdities of everyday life. My debut short story collection included stories about offices, backyard wrestling, dating apps, family emails, shoplifting, and cruise ship vacations. I often use humor, realism, and satire to explore what it means to be a human today.
While at Headlands
I look forward to continuing to work on my untitled debut novel. It centers on an American office worker with dreams of a more meaningful life who quits his job to travel the world. When his departure goes wrong, he finds himself in an undesirable section of his city with few resources, forced to temporarily simulate his world trip for his friends and family back home with the help of technology and unexpected new acquaintances. The novel is a comedy that explores travel culture, corporate disillusionment, social media, identity, existentialism, loneliness, and our modern misguided pursuits of happiness and connection.
Selected Works
“Fred from Finance”, Muumuu House, June 2020
“Like a Norwegian,” Fjords Review, January 2018
“Gory Special,” Pithead Chapel, May 2016
“Pigs and Stock Boys,” PANK Magazine, September 2015
“Bathroom Ideas,” Forth Magazine, April 2015